CEREC Dental Crowns Sherman Oaks, CA

Quickly Restore Fractured or Missing Teeth
with Same-Day Crowns and Bridges

Schedule Your Complimentary Gum Bleaching Dental Consultation
Tel: 818 788-8787

Call (818) 788-8787 today to see how we can transform your smile with new teeth in just one day.

Why CEREC is Better

Traditional solutions to large cavities and fractured or missing teeth are often time-consuming, requiring long waiting periods while wearing temporary crowns, dealing with goopy impressions, and spending more time in the dental chair. With modern technology, there is a way for you to receive dental crowns and bridges without the inconvenience.

Chairside Economical Restorations Esthetic Ceramic, or CEREC, is a same-day restorative solution that allows patients to get a customized dental crown in just one appointment.

Benefits of Same-Day Tooth Restoration

Dr. Delaram Hanookai uses CEREC to take digital impressions, eliminating the need for messy pastes. From the impression to placement, everything can be completed in our office in as little as one appointment, so you can enjoy the benefits of high-quality tooth restoration in a little over an hour and get right back to your day.

Call (818) 788-8787 today to see how we can transform your smile with new teeth in just one day.


Restore function and protect your teeth with natural-looking crowns. Suitable For:

  • Fractured Teeth
  • Large Fillings
  • Root Canals


Maintain your appearance and save healthy teeth from moving or damage. Suitable for:

  • Missing Teeth
  • Filling Gaps
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Southland Dental Care