Understanding the Dental Implant Procedure Timeline: What to Expect During the Treatment Process

You’ve seen the commercials; the ones that claim that you can get a perfect set of teeth in just one day. If you’re dealing with failing teeth, crowns, bridges, or a mouthful of dentures, this is exciting news. But despite what you’ve heard through advertisements, there are many steps to getting a dental implant. Realistically, the dental implant procedure timeline depends on a lot of factors and can take several months to over a year. Factors such as health, habits, lifestyle, can affect how long the [dental implant timeline] is as does procedure choices. The information below describes the different stages and processes involved in a dental implant step by step.

dental implants structure

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a minor surgery that replaces missing or damaged teeth with artificial teeth that function like real ones. They replace teeth roots with Titanium screw-like posts that attaches to an abutment which holds the crown securely to the implanted post. They screw implants into the jawbone making them secure so they won’t slip or make noises, unlike dentures or bridges. The jawbone eventually fuses with the posts preventing bone damage and preserving the facial structure.

Are You A Good Candidate For Dental Implants?

Before the dental implant process can begin, you’ll need approval from your doctor (s) before getting dental implants. You are a good candidate for dental implants if:

  • Have one or more missing teeth
  • Has healthy mouth tissues
  • Have enough bone for implant attachment
  • Can have a bone graft
  • Can devote several months to the dental implant timetable
  • Are unwilling or unable to wear dentures
  • Want to improve speech because dentures can affect the way you talk

Certain circumstances such as osteoporosis or autoimmune disorders can make a person ineligible for dental implant surgery. While these conditions can affect make bones fragile and prevent proper healing, they are not deal-breakers. However, they are examples of why physician approval is important to reduce complications and implant failure. Other factors that may make a prospective patient ineligible are:

  • Smoking tobacco
  • Health conditions that may affect bone healing
  • Not enough bone to secure the implants
  • Jaw bone hasn’t reached full growth

dental implants before after

Dental Implants Timeline

If you want to project the new you for a special occasion, give yourself a minimum of 9 months. The process of getting dental implants can be lengthy, depending on healing time and the chosen procedures. The dental implants timeline includes several outpatient surgeries completed in multiple stages and customized to fit the individual patient’s needs.

The Consultation

[The process of getting dental implants] starts with a free consultation to determine if implants are right for you. During this visit, you will talk to the dentist about your current dental issues, medical history, and desired outcome. Afterward, a complete dental exam which includes; X-rays, 3-D images, and impressions of your mouth and jaw. Afterward, your dentist will go over the suggested treatment plan, and any requirements, such as physician approval for the surgery. You will also get information to take home that explains the dental implant step by step.

Pre-treatment Evaluation

Once you have met the pre-surgery requirements, the dentist will go over each chosen dental implant procedure step by step. They will discuss the dental implants stages, including the methods, and the estimated dental implants timeline and recovery instructions. Depending on the patient’s needs, more than one dental specialist may be involved in the treatment plan. After creating a customized treatment plan, the first of many dental implants stages can begin.

Stage One – Bone Grafting and Teeth Extractions

Not every dental implant timeline requires bone grafting for dental implants or teeth extractions, but if so, this is the first step. If the jawbone can’t support an implant, the dentist completes a bone graft using bone from the patient or a synthetic substitute. Teeth extractions remove broken and rotting teeth which contribute to heart ailments and Alzheimer’s disease. Both procedures require anesthesia and in both cases, the gums will take 4-12 months to heal.

Stage Two – Placing the Implant

The next stage is the implant placement which involves inserting metal screws into the jawbone as an anchor. Under anesthesia, this procedure takes1-2 hours procedure and the healing time is approximately five to seven months.

Stage Three – Attaching The Temporary Crown and the Healing Cap

By now, the implants have healed and fused with the jawbone so the time to attach the healing collar and temporary crown (s) is the next step. They attach the healing cap to the implant to help the gum tissue heal properly. It also keeps the gum out of the implant’s way and will stay in place for up to two weeks.

Stage Four – The Abutment

The next step in the [dental implant timetable] is attaching the abutment to the implant to support the crown. They will open the gum so that the implant is visible and screw the abutment onto the implant. Next, the gum is closed around the abutment and install a temporary crown to wear until the dentist fits the permanent crown.

The Final Stage – The Permanent Crown Placement

Before moving on to the [implant crown procedure], they make mouth impressions after gums heal to make the permanent crown. There are two types of crowns; the removable crown and the fixed crown, and it takes roughly six weeks before they are ready.

The Removable Crown

The removable crown resembles a traditional denture, and they fasten it onto a metal frame that attaches to the abutment and snaps into place. While its easy removal is convenient for repair or cleaning, the screw holes are visible at certain angles.

The Fixed Crown

They make the fixed crown with stronger materials than permanently screw or cement it onto an individual implant abutment. It has a more natural appearance than the removable crown because there are no visible screw holes. However, while the fixed crown is a more stable and attractive choice, it is not removable without a dental visit.

Pros And Cons Of All On 4 Dental Implants

Besides the aforementioned dental implant options, there is another quicker and more affordable choice – All on 4 dental implants. This is a popular procedure, especially when you don’t need a bone graft because there are fewer visits resulting in less expense. But, what are the pros and cons of all on 4 dental implants?


  • They implant teeth extractions and a full bridge in one day thus saving time and
  • They install four implants instead of the standard six to ten so you leave with a
    full-mouth restoration.


  • Complications because of anesthesia and medications for pain and infection. These include jaw problems, face and neck muscle pain, and nerve sensitivity.
  • All on 4 dental implants franchises that cater to a marketing platform and not the
    practice of dentistry. First, experienced and principled professionals practice
    dentistry within these franchises but they are also starting points for less
    experienced dentists. Regardless, always research any facility involved with your
    dental care and ask for references.

Post Treatment Evaluation

As with any surgical procedure, dental implant surgery is not without risks so it is important to seek a reputable dental care center that has experienced specialists on hand that know how to mitigate problems. You should expect pain, bruising, pain, swelling, and a little bleeding after your surgeries. Your dentist will prescribe medications for pain, swelling, and infection but if pain and swelling persists or gets worse, consult your dentist immediately. You should eat soft foods and avoid alcohol and smoking as they increase the likelihood of implant failure.


Surgical procedures aren’t risk-free and complications from a same day dental crown is as risky as full mouth dental implants. Consequently, pain in the teeth, gums, lips, or chin, because of nerve damage is also a possibility. But by following your dentist’s instructions and avoiding alcohol, smoking, and practicing proper oral hygiene, it increases the likelihood of success.

Dental Implant Procedures & Costs In Los Angeles

There are many advantages to getting dental implants but the cost to get them isn’t one of them. Cosmetic surgery is expensive, and even with insurance, the out-of-pocket expense is more than most people can afford. Even if you take insurance, discounts, and dental plans into account, you are still looking at five figures. Sure, they look and function like real teeth, thus improving self-esteem and increasing social and professional options. But do the advantages justify the cost especially when dentures are a less expensive option?

The reason implants are so expensive is that of the number of procedures that require a variety of physicians and the materials used. Dentures are not cheap either; a full set of high-end set of dentures costs about $10,000. The issue is, dentures are limiting, inconvenient, and bone loss is inevitable, which is why consumers consider dental implants. The price depends on your location, the procedures, and the material cost but the average denture vs dental implants cost Los Angeles is listed below.


  • Midrange set of upper and lower dentures – $2,000. Will last five to eight years.
    This doesn’t include twice-yearly evaluations, realignments, or temporary dentures.
  • High-end set of upper – $6,000. Will last five to eight years. Customized and higher-
    grade materials. This doesn’t include twice-yearly evaluations, realignments, or
    temporary dentures.
  • Temporary dentures – $800. These are temporary and worn for short periods of time
    such as after teeth extractions while waiting for permanent dentures or dental
  • Realignment – $400 Chairside, $515 in the laboratory.

Dental Implants

  • Single implant – $5000. This includes the crown, abutment, and implant frame. This
    does not include evaluations, surgeries, or X-rays/CT.
  • Removable Implant – 10,000 for a single arch, top or bottom. This includes the crown,
    abutment, and implant frame. This does not include evaluations, surgeries, or X-
    rays/CT. Removable implants last between five to 10 years.
  • Fixed implant – $21,000 for a single arch, top or bottom. This includes the crown,
    abutment, and implant frame. This does not include evaluations, surgeries, or X-
    rays/CT. Fixed implants are a permanent fix so they should last 25 years or longer.
  • Additional procedures – Other associated costs for evaluations, surgeries, Cat Scan
    and X-rays/CT will add an estimated $2000 to the cost. Fixed and removable implant
    costs double if you are getting top and bottom arches.

When looking at the cost of dentures and the aftercare vs dental implants, implants are a good investment. Again, these are estimates of the average cost and so the price for these services can be much higher.

Whether you are getting a same day dental crown or full mouth dental implants, they are a major investment and who performs this procedure is vital to its success. You want a reputable dental facility that has specialists in house to answer questions and resolve common issues immediately. You’ll want financing experts knowledgeable about the procedure and the cost of dental implants in Los Angeles to help you with financing. Visit Southland Dental Care for more financing information and to discuss your options during your free examination.

[The costs mentioned in this article are average, and actually cost depends on several factors. Our complimentary dental consultation is designed to give you a cost estimate and an overview of treatments needed.]

Schedule your free Los Angeles Dental Implants consultation

Tel: 818-788-8787
4312 Woodman Ave, #100
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423

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Southland Dental Care
Published On: February 7th, 2020 / Categories: dental implants /

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Southland Dental Care