If you have missing teeth that cannot be fixed by conventional restorations, Dr. Delaram Hanookai, a periodontist in Los Angeles, can provide a variety of other options. Being the best dental implant specialist, Dr. Delaram Hanookai knows mini dental implants can be the perfect solution in avoiding surgery that can be invasive.
Regular implants require dental surgery, but mini dental implants Los Angeles can allow you to avoid the invasive procedures required of some implants. If you lack bone mass, it may be impossible for your mouth to hold traditional implants, but mini implants may work.
If traditional dental implants Los Angeles cannot be used, the best dental implant specialist, Dr. Delaram Hanookai may suggest a bridge, dentures, or mini dental implants. Both bridges and dentures rest on the top the gums.
Los Angeles Mini Dental Implants Procedures
A periodontist in Los Angeles will insert mini dental implants into the gum line which means they are not removable like bridges and dentures. Mini dental implants have been used for over twenty years in the dental industry. Conventional dental implants are much more significant in length and diameter when compared to mini dental implants Los Angeles.
Their smaller size allows mini dental implants the ability to be inserted easily in most areas of the mouth. Dr. Delaram Hanookai can place a mini implant in almost any area it is needed. This same implant can also be easily removed if necessary.
At first, mini dental implants were designed to be a placeholder while root form implants healed. The mini implant was introduced as a temporary implant. As time has passed, mini dental implants Los Angeles have become a popular alternative to conventional dental solutions.
When a periodontist in Los Angeles begins the process for a dental implant, he or she first performs surgery to insert a titanium post called an abutment into the jaw bone. The bone of the jaw has to heal for three to six months after the titanium post has been inserted.
As the area heals, the bone fuses around the post. When the bone has completely fused, the implant is uncovered. This post will be the anchor for the artificial teeth. These posts are permanent and do not shift or slip like dentures and bridges.
When the best dental implant specialist, Dr. Delaram Hanookai inserts a mini dental implant, he uses a similar structured item except mini implants are smaller. A mini dental implant Los Angeles has two parts.
- The first part is a titanium post with a ball on the end which is similar to a regular implant.
- The second item is a rubber O-ring which is used to connect the artificial tooth to the titanium post. If you were to compare mini to regular dental implants Los Angeles, you would find regular implants measure around 3.4 to 5.8 mm while mini implants are only 1.8 to 3.3 mm.
By scheduling an appointment with Dr. Delaram Hanookai, you can use mini dental implants for a variety of types of replacement teeth which includes dentures, bridges, fixed crowns, and lower arch dentures. You will also be visiting the best dental implant specialist.
When inserting regular implants, it can take many months and multiple dental appointments to complete the procedure. Bone grafting may also be required for some patients to provide the necessary bone to support a conventional implant. Sometimes the bone loss is so significant, that it is impossible for the jaw to have a full-size implant inserted.
In all of the above cases, a mini dental implant Los Angeles may be your best option. Typically, a periodontist in Los Angeles can insert the mini implants in one dental visit by utilizing local anesthesia. This procedure generally does not require any stitches.
The friendly staff at Dr. Delaram Hanookai’s office understands that it can be traumatic to lose your natural teeth. With Dr. Delaram Hanookai’s experience and expertise, you will be back to speaking and eating normally very quickly.