Our single-day dental implants send you home with new, working teeth immediately after the procedure. Here’s how the process works in five simple steps:

Step One: Consultation

The first step is to attend a consultation session at our clinic. Our doctors will meet with you, perform x rays, and discuss your dental situation. Using this information, the doctors will put together a treatment plan that includes pricing and a schedule for your implants.

Step Two: Exam

Once you’re ready for implants, we’ll schedule you a pre-procedure exam with a prosthodontist – a dentist who specialize in implants. This exam will make sure you’re ready for the procedure and help answer any questions you or the dentist may have. Our doctors will also use this time to finalize your treatment plan and alert you to any additional costs.

Step Three: Procedure

We finish your dental implants in just one day; you’ll leave our office with a new, natural looking smile. Your new teeth will be fabricated while the dentists finish the surgical process, minimizing your wait time so you can get home and rest. After the procedure, your implants are in place, but the actual teeth you see are temporary. These temporary fabrications will be used until your mouth heals.

Step Four: Checkup

Immediately after the procedure, your mouth will need time to recover. Implants are a form of dental surgery; your gums need to heal around the implants and make them a part of your jawline. Follow the doctor’s recommendations and stick to a soft diet during this period. We’ll schedule a few checkups with you to make sure everything is healing properly.

Step Five: Permanent Teeth

When your implants have fully healed, we’ll remove the temporary teeth and replace them with permanent ones. Because your implants have healed, this process doesn’t require any additional surgery; we simply replace the temporary fabrications with permanent, durable teeth. These teeth can be used just like your natural ones; you’ll finally have your full smile back.

Instead of making you wait after you receive your implants, we put in temporary teeth so that you can enjoy your smile right away. You’ll feel a sense of relief and an instant confidence boost when you look in the mirror and see all of your teeth in the right place again. Call us today at 818-788-8787 to discuss your same day dental implants options and we’ll get you a new smile as soon as possible.

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Southland Dental Care
Published On: February 1st, 2019 / Categories: dental implants /

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Southland Dental Care