I-cat machine at southland dental careTechnology is changing the world around us at a rapid pace. The primary edge of technology is its application to medical sciences. The field of dentistry is no different and continues to evolve on pace with technology. Conventional tools are still reliable and useful for confirming various conditions when digital imaging complicates the matter or does not offer the correct view. Nevertheless, the 3D solutions for Periodontists that are making their way into offices and clinics, all across the globe, have revolutionized the precision of many procedures.

3D Imaging Makes Advanced Procedures Possible

A 3D imaging dentist now has the tools to analyze angles, dimensions, measurements of dental images with absolute precision. They can tell whether a tooth will accept a filling or may need a root canal by the thickness of the enamel measurements in the 3D imaging screen. They are also able to determine the exact angles for dental implant procedures and map out full mouth reconstructive surgeries. The detail allows a 3D imaging dentist to be more confident in any assessments.

Periodontists who specialize in dental implants can now easily determine whether the bone density is strong enough to hold implants and whether bone grafting has to be done. They can precisely develop a new jawline complete with working teeth and a bite that fits and works as naturally as your original teeth.

These 3D solutions for Periodontists are also being combined with other technologies. Ceramic inlays can now be custom manufactured in a single dental repair session, instead of making molds and sending things out to a lab. Periodontists now have far more liberty to decide what they want to do right in their own office. They can decide how much trim to put on the bite. They can also smooth out the surfaces of the custom inlays and other dental appliances being generated using 3D imaging.

Periodontists now emulate the natural contours of the teeth and the natural function of chewing mechanisms. They install dental implants with confidence because the computer rendering predicts exactly how the biting surfaces will line up. This is critical for major restorations that include multiple teeth and teeth on the top and bottom. If not for this precision, an implant may be too crowded with other implants and leave imperfect gaps or insufficient space for other crowns.

The Technological Divide in Dentistry

A Los Angeles implant dentist who embraces these technologies and uses them to his advantage will attract the majority of new patients. A Los Angeles implant dentist who falls behind the curve will have many complications to deal with and will not enjoy taking on the same volume of work. These powerful 3D rendering tools make it easier for qualified Periodontists to serve the needs of the public.

In the United States, it is far too common for dentists to rest on their laurels and never upgrade equipment. This is because the insurers do not pay them extra for various technologically advanced services. If they fail to invest in the proper equipment, they still generate a significant profit if consumers are in the dark regarding the low-quality of care. If they don’t know what they are missing, they will never miss it.

3d Imaging Reduces Radiation Exposure

The revolution of technology and 3D imaging is here and separating the successful dental practices from the outmoded ones as we speak. The newer 3D imaging is also healthier for patients because a full 3D image of their entire mouth can be generated in a single pass. They do not, thus, have to be exposed to high levels of X-rays and radiation to build a full picture of the oral cavity.

3D Imaging to Detect Advanced Periodontitis

The 3D imaging is also effective for detecting advanced stages of periodontal diseases. Because periodontal disease can lead to the development of many other medical conditions, it is critical that a proper and prompt diagnosis is made. Advanced periodontitis in linked to heart disease, stroke, diabetes, bone loss, and loss of teeth. If the Periodontist is able to detect the depth of the pockets and damage to structures early enough, he can advise more aggressive treatments to reduce the chances of developing these other diseases.

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Southland Dental Care
Published On: April 25th, 2019 / Categories: General Dentistry /

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Southland Dental Care