Patients undergoing tooth removal and bone graft experience stress because of anticipating the unknown. This article presents relevant information on what you should expect when getting a post-tooth extraction bone graft.
If you are undergoing a tooth extraction for the first time, you may not understand why you may need bone grafting after extraction. “What is a bone graft after tooth extraction?” is a common question at this stage. Dental implants specialists in los angeles conduct this process to cover the tooth’s extraction site. Grafting often occurs alongside tooth extraction to prevent the bone from shrinking. It also prepares the tooth socket for the placement of an implant. Knowing what one should expect in these surgical treatments prepares patients for the process. Some vital information includes tooth extraction cost, bone grafting recovery time, and bone graft cost.
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What is a Bone Graft?
A bone graft is a procedure that dental surgeons perform after extracting a tooth. It involves placing graft materials into the open socket on the jaw. After completing the extraction procedure, Dr. Delaram Hanookai allows the graft to trigger the formation of a new bone to fill the void. Bone grafts assist the bone to be strong enough to support the dental implant. The type of bone graft used depends on various factors, such as the size of the tooth extraction site.
The bone graft contains many small bone particles, usually extracted from synthetic bone or other body parts. The dental surgeon carefully places these components in the socket to ensure that they remain intact. However, the particles might come out if the patient disturbs the wound. Observing the following precautions can prevent this loss.
- Avoid touching the wound
- Do not smoke
- Minimize rinsing the mouth or spitting for the first twenty-four hours after the dental procedure.
- Avoid pushing your tongue on the grafted area during the first few days after the procedure.
- Do not pull on the lip in the case of a front tooth. The motion can tear the sutures or harm the wound site.
What happens during Bone Grafting?
Part of preparing for the extraction with a bone graft is knowing how the dental technicians conduct the procedure. These specialists start by numbing your mouth with anesthesia and monitoring your body’s reaction. The next step in this dental procedure involves cleansing the area around the extracted tooth. Thirdly, the surgeon separates the gum from the opening where he or she will place the graft.
Fourthly, he puts the graft material between the two bone sections that should grow together. Surgeons often use special screws or a dissolvable adhesive material to secure the grafted bone. In the final step of this process, they sew up the incision to begin healing.
Types of Bone Graft Procedures
There are three different types of bone graft procedures that patients can undergo after tooth extraction. The type offered depends on the patient’s unique anatomy, location of the extracted tooth, the extent of the damage, and oral surgery form.
Block Bone Graft
In this procedure, the dental surgeon takes the bone from the back of the patients’ jawbones. It should be near the wisdom teeth. “Is bone graft necessary after wisdom tooth extraction?” is a common question. Research indicates that block bone graft is vital in cases where the patient has lost bone in the area close to the front of his or her jaw.
Socket Graft
In this procedure, the surgeon conducts the bone graft at the same time as the tooth extraction. It prevents the bone from losing its density after tooth removal.
Sinus Lift
Sinuses are likely to move down after a bone loss in the upper molars. In this case, the surgeon has to conduct a dental bone graft to restore the stability of the upper jaw and move the sinuses to their right position.
Significance of getting Bone Graft after Tooth Extraction
There are multiple benefits of bone grafting after tooth extraction. For this reason, dental implant specialists always advise their patients to get a bone graft before having dental implants. The extracted tooth leaves an open space in the bone that supported it initially. The soft tissues around this socket usually heal and close the opening. However, the bone does not grow, meaning that it does not fill the open area.
The lack of growth is an issue because it interferes with the support that the neighboring teeth require. Additionally, the implant intended to replace the removed tooth might lack a strong foundation. A bone draft solves all these problems and ensures that the open socket has adequate bone.
It also prevents the jaw around the surgical site from shrinking and creating more open space. Therefore, bone grafting is necessary for patients who are not undergoing the implant procedure immediately after the tooth extraction.
Is Bone Grafting Painful?
Most patients feel concerned and sometimes develop anxiety after hearing that they should undergo the bone grafts placement procedure. You should note that receiving bone grafts is painless because the surgeon has to sedate you first. You will only feel pain after the anesthesia wears off.
The pain during the healing process is tolerable as long as you take the prescribed antibiotics. The pain medications help to reduce the pain and medications that individuals might experience after the surgery. You should make regular visits for dental check-ups.
The cost of Dental Bone Graft
The cost of this surgical procedure depends on several factors. The primary ones include the complexity of and materials used to accomplish the dental practice. You should consult with your insurance company to be sure whether it will cover the process.
Bone Grafting Recovery Time
Dental implants specialist in los angeles indicates that patients receiving full mouth dental implants have to wait until the graft fuses fully with the bones in the mouth before undergoing the dental implant surgery. This information suggests that receiving a bone graft after molar extraction is a useful procedure that might affect your daily schedule. For example, you should avoid operating heavy machinery or driving several days after the surgery. The antibiotics and pain killers you take during this process affect your reflexes and make you feel fatigued.
Knowing the exact recovery time will help you determine the time you need to rest before resuming your life. The recovery time after the bone grafting procedure depends on various factors that include the patient’s age, oral health, type of surgery they undergo, and overall physical health. Nevertheless, the standard recovery period ranges between fourteen days and two months.
Taking care of yourself during the Healing Process
Patients undergoing the bone graft procedure after tooth extraction sometimes feel the need to speed up the healing process. However, you should know that it is impossible to actively change the speed of this process. However, taking care of your mouth through the following tips will prevent bleeding, swelling, infection, and other complications.
Change your Diet
Your diet determines the progress of your healing process after undergoing bone grafting. The specialist might advise you to only take cold drinks after the surgery. Taking soft foods and pureed fruit for the first few days is also an excellent decision.
Patients should avoid consuming crunchy or sharp foods that require chewing for about two weeks. This technique prevents bleeding and protects the gum around the surgery site. The recommendations that the specialist provides often depend on the extent of surgery that the patient undergoes.
Avoid Vigorous Physical Activities
Bone grafting patients should avoid engaging in strenuous activities before they heal. You can resume your usual activities gradually as you feel better.
Applying Ice on the Surgical Area
Ice can help to reduce swelling on the face after the dental bone graft surgery. It also minimizes bleeding by reducing the amount of blood flowing to the gum. This strategy is more effective when practiced the first two days after the procedure.
Take the Prescribed Antibiotics
Your dentist should recommend the antibiotics and pain relievers that you should take after tooth extraction and bone graft. These drugs reduce pain and reduce the risk of infections. Completing the dosage will support the extraction bone graft recovery process.
Sleep on your Back
A bone graft after tooth extraction requires you to sleep on your back. Moreover, your head should remain elevated and supported on a pillow to prevent blood from settling on the bone graft site. This strategy also prevents inflammation. If you are uncomfortable with this sleeping position, you can sleep on the side that did not undergo the procedure.
Avoid Smoking
Smoking when recovering from the bone graft surgery increases the chances of its failure. Therefore, you should avoid or reduce it during recovery.
Practice Oral Hygiene
Another strategy that patients undergoing bone graft for dental implants should consider is maintaining oral hygiene. For instance, you should brush your teeth as gently as possible, especially around the surgical spot. You should focus on eliminating any dirt or food particles on your teeth, tongue, and gum. However, using electric toothbrushes is dangerous because they produce vigorous vibrations that can distract the healing process.
Normal Side Effects of the Bone Graft
Extraction and bone graft patients should know the side effects they should expect after undergoing the dental procedure. They include;
- Pain
- Swelling
- Minor bleeding
- Difficulty speaking
- Difficulty chewing
Unusual Risks and Complications
Having a tooth extraction bone graft and implant is safe and acceptable. However, it also has its risks, just like any other surgical procedure. Some risks are unusual and require urgent attention from the dental specialist. These complications include;
- Blood clots
- Redness
- Rejection of bone grafts
- Increased swelling around the surgery site or gum
- Nerve damage
- Persistent pain several days after the surgery
- Persistent numbness
- Anesthesia complications
A dental bone graft is vital for a person who loses a tooth and is planning to get a dental implant. It increases the eligibility of these implants. The immediate aftermath of tooth extraction and bone graft can be harrowing. Consequently, you should consider observing oral hygiene, taking pain relievers and antibiotics, and avoiding strenuous activities to facilitate the healing process. Do not hesitate to contact or get in touch with Southland Dental Care if you are searching for dental implants near by. We will help you schedule a consultation with our experienced dentists to discuss the procedure.
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