Be true to your teeth, or they will be false to you. The gum is a soft tissue lining within the mouth that holds up the teeth. If optimal oral health is not adhered to, the gum is susceptible to various infections. Gum diseases, also known as Periodontal diseases, are often Gingivitis and Periodontitis. A gum specialist is known as a periodontist.
Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gum due to bacterial infestation. Gingivitis is notable by red swollen gums, that are often bleeding. Food debris within the teeth mix with saliva and form a dental plaque within the gum. Bacteria sprout within the plaque and damage the gum leading to bleeding.

Periodontitis, on the other hand, is a severe advancement of gingivitis. The bacteria escalate and damage the alveolar bone surrounding the teeth. With time, the alveolar bone deforms, pulling away from the teeth.

Depending on the magnitude of the periodontal disease, your periodontist may opt for a gum procedure; a periodontal surgery.

[See: Gum Recession Treatment in Los Angeles]

Who is a Periodontal Surgery Candidate?


People suffering from gingivitis and periodontitis may often need periodontal surgery. The gum surgery aims to reshape the jaw bone, averting teeth loss, and reconstructing damaged tissues.


Illness is not the only reason for gum surgery. Some people go for cosmetic periodontal surgery. People with Gummy Smile choose Gum Contouring, to reshape their gums. Gum contouring entails lengthening of your teeth crown to improve their appearance. Gingivoplasty is another cosmetic periodontal surgery procedure. Gingivoplasty reshapes the gum tissue and aims to reconstruct asymmetrical gums and gum trauma.

What are some of the signs and symptoms of periodontal diseases?

  • Swollen gums
  • Bleeding gums
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Space pockets between teeth
  • Habitual bad breath
  • Gum recession
  • Pus in gums
  • Loose teeth

How to Prepare For Gum Surgery

  • Take all your prescribed pre-operative antibiotics to truncate the possibility of infections.
  • Stop using blood thinners such as Aspirin, Coumadin 24 hours to the surgical procedure.
  • Book your periodontal procedure after mealtimes if you have diabetes. To avert low blood sugar, visit your periodontist in the morning or after lunch when you have eaten.
  • Avoid alcohol and tobacco 24 hours to the procedure.
  • If you are on sedatives, avoid drinking anything 12 hours to the periodontal procedure.
  • Get a chauffeur to drive you home after the procedure. Sedatives and anesthesia may affect your mental judgment.
  • Be sanguine and radiate positivity.

Gum Surgery Procedure

There are several periodontal procedures to correct different gum anomalies.

Periodontal Flap Surgery

The flap surgery aims at correcting the pockets formed around the teeth. Pockets are spots on the gum where the gum pulls away from the teeth. Tar forms in these zones, thus attracting inflammatory bacteria. The periodontist attempts to clean off the tar with a piece of ultrasonic equipment. If the tar does not clear off, he may opt for flap surgery.
Under anesthesia, the periodontist makes a tiny incision on the gum, separating it from the tooth. The exterior gum tissue folds, giving ingress to the tooth’s root. The inflamed tissue is removed, and the tooth cleaning commences. The opening is covered up, and the administration of sedatives proceeds.

Soft Tissue Grafting

Soft tissue grafting reconstructs the gum recession. Gum recession is where the tissue enveloping the teeth pulls away, exposing the tooth’s root. The periodontist often incises a small piece of tissue from your upper mouth palate and extracts some connective tissue. The removed tissue is then grafted on the recessed spot and stitched. Gum graft cost from $600 for the less advanced cases.

Bone Grafting
This periodontal procedure is similar to tissue grafting. Tooth decay and trauma often damage the jaw bone surrounding the teeth. The periodontist makes an incision on a different part of your jaw bone and extracts some bone ligaments. The ligaments transplant onto the damaged jaw bone—implant slots to support the graft and to promote healing. Upon healing, the dentist removes the dental implant. Bone grafting often incurs an exorbitant periodontist cost.

Tissue Regeneration

The Guided Tissue Regeneration (GTR) procedure replenishes lost tissue and bone. Periodontitis destroys the teeth and bone, creating a space between them. The periodontist pulls back the gum and cleans off the pathogenic bacteria. He then inserts some protein-membrane into the hole. The membrane promotes the habitation of slow migrating bone cells, thus regenerating the lost tissue and bone. With time, the layer dissolves as new bone regenerates. The periodontist cost for this procedure is often high.

Gingivectomy and Gingivoplasty

Gingivectomy is a periodontal procedure to remove the gingiva. Gingivoplasty is also used for cosmetic reconstruction, to reshape the gum tissue. Under anesthesia, the dentist cuts away the affected gum tissue using a scalpel. The periodontist then vaporizes the residual tissue to reshape the gum line. Laser technology is applied for precision. He then concludes with a dissolvable bandage onto the recessed gum line.

Gum Contouring

Gum contouring is a cosmetic, reconstructive periodontal procedure. A periodontist reshapes the gum, cutting away excess tissue. The process also restores gum tissue in recessed gums. Under anesthesia, the periodontist uses laser technology to sculpt the gum line, adding life to your smile. In recessed gums, the dentist cuts off some graft tissue from your mouth palate and implants them. Some dissolvable dental sutures hold up the embedded tissues.


At times, the tissue membrane, frenum, binds the lower or upper lips to the mouth. The frenum yields to speech problems, as well as a gap between the front teeth. Three types of frena exist; the buccal frenum, lingual frenum, and labial frenum. In buccal frenum, tissue strands conjoin the gum to the inner cheeks. The labial frenum tissue joins the lips to the gum in a thin tissue strand. The lingual frenum entails a lean connective tissue between the tongue and the bottom of the mouth.
A periodontist uses a scalpel or laser technology to cut and disconnect these connective tissues.

Crown Lengthening

Your teeth may be the appropriate size but are not exposed optimally. Why? Too much gum tissue. Your periodontist may opt for a dental crown lengthening procedure. He may use a scalpel or laser tool to mold out your dental crown and reshape the jaw bone. Crown lengthening gum surgery cost is quite affordable.

Recovering from Periodontal Surgery

Recovery duration depends on the magnitude and complexity of the periodontal procedure. Dr. Delaram Hanookai suggests one to two weeks for the graft procedures. The primary post-operative procedure medication is pain-relieving drugs.
For a blissful recovery experience, follow these ten highlights:

  • Follow your periodontist’s instructions strictly
  • Eat Vitamin A and C rich foods.
  • Use ice packs to deter swelling on your face.
  • Indulge in a liquid diet, especially if you have undergone gum grafting. E.g., soups, yogurt
  • Avoid hot drinks and foods.
  • Avoid chewing hard foods such as carrots.
  • For tissue regeneration procedure, avoid brushing for seven weeks.
  • Use a palate stent
  • Engage in non-strenuous exercise
  • Have adequate rest and mental relaxation

How much Does Gum Surgery Cost?

Each periodontal procedure has a unique invoice cost. Depending on the complexity of the procedure, the periodontist cost may be reasonably affordable or dear. On average, the gum graft cost ranges between $600 – $9000. The periodontist cost for tissue regeneration starts up at $800 for each quadrant. For frenectomy, the gum surgery cost ranges between $700 – $1300.

A majority of periodontists accept insurance payments for the gum surgery cost. It often pays to discuss and negotiate with your dentist on the periodontal surgery cost before the specified procedure. It also makes sense to dissect the scope of the periodontal surgery cost. Does it include medication and review charges? Are the dentist’s consultation fees included therein?

Contact Southland dental care for comprehensive dental consultation and procedural estimates. Detailed insight into cosmetic dental procedures is also available on their website.

Final Word from the Best Los Angeles Periodontist

Dr. Delaram Hanookai has proven to have a hand in periodontal surgery. Patients globally shower her with accolades for her excellent precision. This best Los Angeles periodontist is a guru at dental implants as well as tissue and bone grafting. Dr. Hanookai perfectly executes laser procedures as well as sedation periodontology. She is so exceptional at sedation that when a patient gains consciousness, the process is over.

Dr. Delaram advises the brushing of teeth at least twice daily to avert gingivitis. She further promotes regular visits and checkups to your dentist. Credits to her advanced education and skills, Dr. Delaram, can mitigate your periodontal disease effects. In case you notice swollen gums, or blood spots while brushing, rush to her for a salvaged smile experience. An aching tooth is better out than in! Smiles are free, but worth a payment through the nose.

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Southland Dental Care
Published On: July 17th, 2020 / Categories: Uncategorized /

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Southland Dental Care