Dental implants are crucial devices that restore the function of your teeth and aesthetics as well. Usually, surgery goes well such that the implant can serve you for quite a long time. However, sometimes infections affect your teeth, causing a problem. The good news is that you don’t have to worry since you can visit us at Southland Dental Care for help. If you have an implant or contemplating getting one, here’s what you need to know about infections.

What is Dental Implants Infection?

Typically, it is similar to gum disease since it affects the gums and bone tissue surrounding the implant. The infection has a ripple effect since it leads to bone loss if you don’t treat it. The best part is that you can remedy the situation by visiting a Los Angeles dental implants specialist in our clinic. The expert will restore your tooth using an individualized treatment that suits your needs.

What Causes Dental Implants Infection?

The infection can occur immediately after implantation or some months after you undergo the procedure. If you have a history of gum disease, peri-implantitis can easily affect you. In addition to that, pre-existing medical conditions such as diabetes and osteoporosis can put you at risk. Unhealthy habits, such as smoking and poor oral hygiene, also lead to dental implants infection.

Essentially, smoking is the primary factor that causes the disease. If you smoke, it narrows blood vessels such that gums can’t receive adequate nutrients. This way, your gums won’t fight any infections.

If you have an implant that doesn’t meet the standards, it will be prone to infections. It would help if you didn’t worry since we use titanium that is of high quality. Moreover, if the dentist fails to align the implant to the jawbone, a problem will arise.

Symptoms and Signs of Dental Implants Infection

The signs that the implant could be infected vary from one person to another. We recommend that if you experience any of the symptoms, you need to see a Los Angeles dental implants specialist. Here are the red flags that you should look at to seek help.

  • Bad breathe: If you brush your teeth and foul breathe doesn’t go away, you could be having an infection. Plus, you will experience a horrible taste, meaning that you need to see a dentist.
  • Fever and pain: Bacterial infections usually come with temperature and strain on the area of disease. In that regard, teeth sensitivity will heighten, and you will shiver as your body tries to fight off the bacteria.\
  • Trouble chewing: With dental implants, you can chew all food with sheer simplicity. If you are having difficulty eating, there is a problem that could mean infection.
  • Red and swollen gums: You need to look out for red and swollen gums because they are primary indicators of infections. Plaque and tartar buildup are the root causes of the redness. The swelling might be minimal, but it is a red flag, and you need medical attention.
  • Bleeding or pus: If your dentition is bleeding or oozing of discharge, your dental implants are suffering from an infection. Perhaps, you have noticed some blood when you are brushing your teeth. If that continues daily, you are at a high risk of bacterial infection.
  • Loose implant: An implant that feels loose and wobbly could mean that it is infected. The highlight is that Dr. Delaram Hanookai will examine it and replace the dental implant seamlessly.
  • Allergic reaction: The substances used in the implant can be titanium or Zirconia. Therefore, you can have allergic reactions to the elements leading to an infection.

Dental Implants Infection Treatment

For starters, Dr. Delaram Hanookai will diagnose the infection to recommend an ideal treatment for you. She will perform a clinical exam and use x-rays to determine the real problem affecting your dentition. The main goal is to manage the infection and maintain the dental implant too.

After a comprehensive diagnosis, the expert will put you on antibiotics to eliminate bacteria. If the implant is loose, you will undergo surgery to position it correctly. Another treatment option is using laser therapy that features surface decontamination. Alternatively, the professional will remove the implant and replace it with a new one. The method applies if you had an inferior quality implant in place.

A periodontist will clean the area to ward off any decay to pave the way for a new dental appliance. The expert will then discuss top-notch implants made out of durable materials. Subsequently, Dr. Delaram Hanookai will put the implant in the correct position to avoid misalignment.

Besides that, you will continue practicing excellent oral hygiene, such as flossing and brushing. Abandoning bad habits such as smoking will do you some good as well. What’s more, fruits and vegetables that have sufficient nutrients should be on your diet. This way, your immune system will be robust enough to fight off infections. Eating meals rich in calcium is crucial as it builds strong bones.

Using Laser Therapy to Save the Implant

Due to technological advancements, we use Laser Assisted Peri-Implantitis Procedure as a form of treatment. As one of the best dental implants clinic in Southern California, we strive to save your implant. The process is also useful in eradicating the infection so that the rest of the teeth remain healthy. The good news is that the therapy regenerates bone loss so that the implant can be stable.

Importance of Antibiotics

Typically, we will prescribe antibiotics because they stop the bacteria from developing and spreading. The medication will also kill bacteria so that your oral health can be normal again. For that reason, you can take some tablets as a way to manage tooth implants infections. We use it as preventive care alongside other treatment techniques. As aforementioned, the kind of medical attention you will receive relies on the infection. If it is severe, surgery will be the ultimate option.

Consequences of Not Treating Dental Implants Infection

An infection that doesn’t receive treatment is dangerous to your health. Bacteria will spread to other teeth, and you will lose them to cavities. Plus, your bone could become weak, such that eating solid foods will be difficult and painful. In other circumstances, the dentist will have to extract some of your teeth to replace the poor implant.

Dental implants infection will affect your breathing since bacteria spreads to the sinuses. The result is a sinus infection that impacts the way you inhale and exhale air. When the infection reaches the mouth, it could impair your respiratory system.

Tooth implant infection can move to the bloodstream and infect it, causing septicemia. The condition is fatal when it reaches the brain due to the impure blood. Moreover, the illness can cause severe damage to the heart and other vital organs.

Therefore, you shouldn’t neglect the warning signs that we have already discussed. As the best dental implants clinic in Southern California, we will offer you tailor-made treatment.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, it would be best if you didn’t ignore dental implants infection since it has adverse effects. Contact us at Southland Dental Care for the utmost assistance. A specialist will examine you to determine the medication that suits you.

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Southland Dental Care
Published On: August 23rd, 2020 / Categories: dental implants /

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Southland Dental Care