Sedation Dentistry in Sherman Oaks, CA

As Many of 40 Million People Avoid
Dental Treatment due to Dental Anxiety

Call Today for Your Complimentary
Dental Exam and Consultation
Including X-Rays, and CT Scan.

Schedule Your Complimentary Gum Bleaching Dental Consultation
Tel: 818 788-8787

Reasons for sedation dentistry:

  • Your Content Goes Here
  • Fear of Needles
  • Moderate to Severe Anxiety
  • Bad Gag Reflex
  • Fear of Pain
  • Complex or Extensive Dental Work is Needed

Call 818-788-8787 today to see how we can transform your smile with new teeth in just one day.

Sedation Dentistry Options for Different Needs

Dr. Delaram Hanookai is certified in Intravenous (IV) conscious sedation and general anesthesia. Specially trained to administer sedation medication and monitor your vital signs during your procedure, you can relax knowing you are receiving professional care with Dr. Hanookai. Taking advantage of sedation dentistry allows you to feel more comfortable during your appointment, get more work done in fewer appointments and have little to no memory of treatment.

Oral Sedation:

Oral sedative medication, like diazepam, can be administered to the patient either 30 minutes before the start of the procedure or the night before the dental visit. It is used in conjunction with a local anesthetic to ease pain and provide utmost comfort to our patients. Before the treatment commences, you will find yourself in a very relaxed state and be completely comfortable in our office. We recommend that you schedule a ride home after your appointment.

Intravenous (IV) Sedation:

Like oral sedation, IV sedation is administered alongside a local anesthetic to help ease nerves and pain. This type of sleep dentistry produces a highly relaxed, deep sleep and mental state. Oftentimes, patients are so relaxed after IV sedation that they have no recollection of the procedures after waking up. As with oral sedation, we advise that you schedule a ride home following your visit.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation:

Most commonly known as “laughing gas,” nitrous oxide sedation is the third type of sleep dentistry that we offer at Southland Dental Care. It is administered at our office and also puts the patient into a highly-relaxed mental state. This option of sedation dentistry allows the patient to remain conscious and responsive during treatment, but still eliminates any feeling of pain that would result from the dental procedure.

Don’t Put Off Necessary Care Any Longer

Take control of your fear with sedation dentistry. Call us today to schedule your next appointment.


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Southland Dental Care