Are you aware that the initial facial expression that a baby makes is grinning, and it starts when the baby is still in the womb? It is human nature to grin. Research depicts that this act strengthens the immune system, lowers blood pressure, trains essential facial muscles, and makes you more accessible in everyday life. Smiling also reduces stress and permits you to think more positively. However, in case you have insecurities regarding your teeth, it might cause anxiety.

Possibly, you look in your mirror each morning and are even afraid to smile at yourself because you are ashamed of your teeth. There is no reason to allow those negative feelings to end your confidence or affect your life; however, it is difficult to ignore that these sentiments make daily life provocative, both professionally and personally. This is why many patients are investing in dental veneers. Through a simple procedure, cosmetic dentists can utilize porcelain veneers to offer you a great smile. This fast, last invasive dental work may correct dental issues that make smiling difficult, including:

· Teeth affected by caries and gum disease
· Teeth without the required amount of base coat
· Teeth with a missing vital tooth structure
· Seriously misaligned teeth
· General poor dental health
· Missing tooth
· Broken tooth
· Cracked tooth

Whether your concerns are structural or cosmetic, dental veneers offer you the teeth you have always wanted, so you can’t stop grinning every day. Full cosmetic dental procedures, such as veneers, raise some critical questions: Are dental veneers permanent? Are there any downsides to getting dental veneers? Are there techniques to maintain dental veneers? You will be amazed by how easy it is to make veneers a permanent and easy portion of your life.

What are Veneers?

Are you wondering what dental veneers are? Dental veneers refer to thin, tooth-colored coatings attached to the front of your teeth to enhance your appearance. They are often made of resin-composites or porcelain and are permanently attached to the teeth.

Veneers may be used to remedy a number of various cosmetic problems, including broken, chipped, smaller-than-average, or discolored teeth. Some individuals can only acquire one veneer if they have a chipped or cracked tooth; however, many get between six and eight veneers to create a symmetrical smile. The first eight front teeth are commonly used veneers.

How Is The Veneer Applied To The Teeth?

It usually takes a week or two after the dentist makes the veneer’s mold to come out of the lab. After applying the veneer, you can make an appointment to install them. During this appointment, your Los Angeles Porcelain Veneers Specialist will assess the veneers’ shape, fit, and color to ensure they are a perfect fit for you.

The dentist, Dr. Michael Abaian, will then thoroughly clean your teeth. This is essential as it prevents bacteria from entering and damaging the coating. Then they utilize the grinding tool to make a rougher texture on every tooth that they can coat the veneer on. This facilitates the adhesion of the veneer to the tooth.

Dr. Michael Abaian will then use the dental cement to bond the veneer to the teeth. He will use UV light to harden this cement quickly, and as soon as you leave his office, you have your perfect new smile! The second appointment usually takes no more than two hours, although it can take an additional thirty minutes to use a local anesthetic.

Are Veneers Removable?

The veneers are not detachable. The main intention when applying them is that they never come off. Of course, most individuals who opt to use veneers seek a lasting solution to their aesthetic issues; however, do not be fooled into the thought that you can remove and restore them instantly. After you apply porcelain veneers, you always require them.

How Long Will the Veneers Last?

The kind of porcelain veneer we use at Southland Dental Care lasts an average of 10 to 15 years before it needs replacing. So, are veneers permanent? No, they are not permanent; however, they are a long-term solution to some dental issues. Sometimes there is confusion regarding the durability of the coating. It is easy to imagine that the veneer will come off towards the end of those 10 to 15 years, and the perfect smile will fade away. However, this is not the situation.

When applying the veneer to the teeth, the top enamel layer is removed to ensure the ceramic connection is stable and safe. This process is irreparable, and without the coating, the teeth would lack protection. This means that when the veneers’ life cycle comes to an end, they will require replacement with fresh ones, as the teeth’ natural enamel will diminish. Somehow the liner is permanent, but the veneer itself isn’t, so that you won’t have the same set always.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Veneers

As with any choice, there are both pros and cons. This is no different with the porcelain veneers. Here are some proven benefits of veneers.
• Improve broken, worn, chipped, misaligned, discolored, oddly-shaped, or irregular teeth with one simple procedure.
• Every dental veneer is tailor-made to match your natural teeth’ clarity, color, and characteristics.
• Select the desired tooth color
• No special maintenance required
• It is impossible to differentiate between porcelain veneers and real teeth
• The dental veneers installation procedure is painless, efficient, and quick.
• Veneers can easily turn unappealing teeth into an attractive smile

When it comes to the cons of dental veneers, find them below.
• The process is not adjustable
• The possibility of augmented tooth sensitivity, which in most cases eventually disappears.
• Your teeth naturally change color after some time, but not the porcelain veneers do not.
• Porcelain veneers can crumble or break if you chew ice, cut your nails, or grind the teeth.
• Caries can occur under a dental veneer, leading to the necessary porcelain crowns or root canals

Cost of Porcelain Veneers

Veneers are often not taken care of by insurance since they regard it as a cosmetic procedure. The average cost of veneers in Los Angeles can cost around $925 to $2,500 for every tooth and may last about 10-15 years. Unprepared veneers cost $800 to $2000 for each tooth and may last between 5-7 years. In the long run, the average cost of veneers in Los Angeles is the most affordable option.

The cost of porcelain veneers depends on aspects such as the type of veneers you choose, your Los Angeles Porcelain Veneers Specialist brand, the cost of living in your area, and the dentist’s experience.

Tips to Make Your Veneers Durable

Once you have the new porcelain dental veneers, it is upon you to make them long-lasting. No major changes in your daily routine are necessary to ensure that the coating retains its shine for ages to come. Consider these tips to make veneers last.

• Schedule six-monthly cleanings and checkups with your dentist
• Brush your teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste that is non-abrasive
• Always put on a mouth-guard while exercising or playing sports
• Do not utilize your teeth as if they are a tool
• Talk to the dentist if you grind your teeth to avoid damaging your beautiful veneers

Contact the Experts

In case you have damaged teeth suitable for veneers, talk to the Los Angeles Porcelain Veneers Specialist in Southland Dental Care. Whichever kind of veneers or other restorative treatment is perfect for you, our cosmetic dentists at Southland Dental Care are experts in all choices and are glad to discuss your decision to have veneers. We welcome patients from all over Los Angeles. Contact us for more information about our restorative and cosmetic dental treatments.

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Southland Dental Care
Published On: October 25th, 2020 / Categories: Uncategorized /

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Southland Dental Care